Pencil Practice
Below are a list of errors in the parts for THE COWBOYS and ON A HYMNSONG OF PHILIP BLISS. Look through and mark your parts accordingly.
The Cowboys
- B-flat Clarinet 2 and 3, meas 17–19: The rhythmic figure in meas. 17 & 18 must be moved one measure later. To accomplish this, delete meas. 19 (whole note A); then insert one measure with whole note (D) as meas. 17 (copy from meas. 16) [This will match the orchestra arrangement.]
- E-flat Alto Clarinet, meas. 56, beat 3: add a quarter rest (or change the last quarter rest to a half rest) / E-flat Alto Clarinet, meas. 63: add 4/4 meter signature
- Bassoon 1, 2, meas. 220, beat 4: change eighth note to a quarter note; delete the quarter rest
- E-flat Alto Saxophone 1, 2, meas 17–19: The rhythmic figure in meas. 17 & 18 must be moved one measure later. To accomplish this, delete meas. 19 (whole note E); then insert one measure with whole note (A) as meas. 17 (copy from meas. 16) [This will match the orchestra arrangement.] / Meas 148, beat 1: D should read B / Meas. 29, beat 3: change rhythm from eighth and 2 sixteenths to two sixteenths and an eighth
- E-Flat Alto Saxophone 1, 2, meas. 185, beat 3 & 4: change eighth notes to quarter notes in Bassoon cue
- B-flat Tenor Saxophone, meas 17–19: The rhythmic figure in meas. 17 & 18 must be moved one measure later. To accomplish this, delete meas. 19 (whole note A); then insert one measure with whole note (D) as meas. 17 (copy from meas. 16) [This will match the orchestra arrangement.]
- F Horn 2, meas. 162, beat 3: change two quarter notes to two eighth notes / Meas. 212, beat 2: fix printers error above note
- Baritone B.C., meas. 250, beat 2: half notes should read eighth notes
- Mallet Percussion, meas. 204, beat 1: D should read C
- Score, meas. 250-256, 2 & 3 B-flat Trumpet: The voices are misidentified in the score at meas. 250: Trumpet 3 plays the harmony with the Trumpet 1 while Trumpet 2 plays the rhythmic divisi passage.
On a Hymdsong of Philip Bliss
The following errors are in the parts:
- Alto Sax II, m. 23: Written B-flat should be a written D.